Some have fewer dentists than wives. I’ve not been so lucky. By virtue of corporate or personal relocation, I’ve received dental care from more than ten dentists from Connecticut to Kansas. Mark Scurria, Doctor of Dental Surgery in Durham, North Carolina, is my favorite. Great dentists inspire confidence, have a certain calm patience and are as much artist as doctor. I’m a dental coward. I hate dental pain and trauma. Mark Scurria’s da Vinci-like sculpting abilities rebuilt my teeth. I wouldn’t trust anyone but Mark to do the amount of prosthodontic reconstruction we are doing. Mark taught at UNC Dental, a top school. It is easy to understand asking Mark to teach. He has a teacher’s patience, curiosity and investment in his student’s (or patient’s) understanding. You know what is happening and why. Some have many wives to find “the one”. I’ve had many dentists to find Mark Scurria, D.D.S. and am glad my friend Susan taught me a new word: prosthodontist.
Pros: skills, creativity, experience, competence, proactive