This past summer I walked by a demonstration booth where you were doing computerized examinations of the spine. The exam on my spine showed exactly where I was hurting - the upper back, shoulders & extreme itching & pain of the muscle & skin on the right arm. Normal medical care was treating this condition with muscle relaxants & pain pills neither of which was actually fixing the problem or enabling me to function day to day. Your exam showed subluxation of several places in my back and we agreed to a year-long treatment plan to bring this all back into alignment. Initial results (1st month) were dissapointing - it hurt worse. I almost quit severa times but remained convinced that this was the eventual solution. Luckily I was right! My back began to get better, I slept better & the itching decreased & eventualy went away. Now, 6 months later, I can sleep on either side, my skin on both arms matches (not red & bumpy on one) & I do not itch. My mental state is better instead of being preoccupied with pain or lack of sleep. I cannot thank you & your staff enough for your kindness, understanding & flexibility. You worked around my schedule, feelings & pain while making the billing & insurance problems go away. Total Holistic Healing!