They are careless incompetent frauds who care only about bilking insurance companies and customers out of money. They destroyed nearly everything they touched. Some of these things they paid for - after I did all the leg work tracking down prices. Others, they tried to get our insurance to pay for and even threatened us with a lien if our insurance didn't pay for what they destroyed. The repair to six times as long as they estimated. They tried to tear down more of our place than was necessary so they could build it back up, but this bit of fraud was nixed by a smart insurance agent. I found that I had to take care of all details and deal with all subcontractors and insurance companies - basically everything we hired them for, yet they still collected 10% of everything. I had to keep my own finance spreadsheet to keep from being cheated since their bills were always changing due to more incompetence/fraud. Overall, I can't think of a single thing they did competently and very little that couldn't be considered fraudulent. This company, far more than the flood for which they were hired to clean, is responsible for the worst year of my life.
Pros: Honestly can't think of anything
Cons: Every single thing