I have lived at Lakeshore for two years now. The first year was really comfortable aside from the fact that i had some regrets for moving in after i saw some of the apartments my friends were living in which were much less expensive and much larger. I have leased the one bedroom, one bathroom Hancock model. It's gotten smaller and smaller every year. After seeing other one bedroom apartments with much more square feet , better upgrades and less expensive rent, i feel that I have cheated myself. The goal is to save for a house, and the expensive rent at Lakeshore apartments really does not allow for that. It is really senseless to pay so much to rent such a small apartment. furthermore, a lot has changed within the last year. My first year at Lakeshore was very comfortable. Going into the second year, a lot of bad things started to happen. There was an incident where a carport including resident's vehicles was burned. there have been several attacks on female residents, burglaries or thefts were there is no evidence of forced entry, whcih would lead one to believe that maintenance or staff is somehow involved. there was one resident who totalled three of four cars after speeding through the parking lot drunk. One of my co-workers is also a resident of Lakeshore. she lives in the back area and would complain all the time about the doors constantly slamming and the Domestic Violence issues that occured almost weekly. Approximately 3 months ago, the same thing started to happen in my area. There are people screaming drunk from balconies at all hours of the night. There was a girl and her boyfriend fighting and i could hear her in my apartment being tossed around and she was screaming like he was trying to kill her. I understand that when you live in an apartment there is an expectation of noise and sometimes other things that you may not agree with. I have never complained for loud music, talking or even the dogs barking, but domestic issues are not safe for anyone and that's one thing i will not tolerate along with the drunk screaming from the balconies. I really enjoyed the fact that Lakeshore was a community with young professionals and the behavior of the residents reflected that about a year ago. now, the residents are much younger and have no respect for their neighbors. With the expense to live at Lakeshore, there is a greater expectation of the property and the residents and Lakeshore is not living up to that expectation. If Lakeshore could return the standard of living it had for residents one year ago and make better upgrades or increase the square footage, it would be the ideal place of residence.
Pros: Washer and dryer included
Cons: Expensive and noisy