If you want an education on how to get cheated of your hard earned $2500dollars plus you spend here to get a less than quality education in Phelbotomy, by all means take the class here!! The teacher is abraisive and rude to students-there is not an ounce of care taken in quality teaching---you are rushed thru the course in record speed, and then are set up to fail---which then costs you extra $$$$$ to retake classes, your practical, and extend your lab time--this course needs to be much longer and they need an overhaul with the teaching staff----DO YOUR RESEARCH TO FIND A BETTER SCHOOL THAT HAS A COMPREHENSIVE LONGER PROGRAM, --this school lacked integrity, professionalism, and they NEVER demonstrated that they truely were interested in your well being---to succeed---it was evident to many in our class that it was all about the $$$$$$.
Pros: met other students who felt the same
Cons: they take your money and run