If you find youself being bullied, if you protest mal treatment at all, and the management doesn't seem all that concerned by your protests about being bullied, its a safe bet you'll never hold any signifigant roll in the company even if you do perservere and actualy graduate. \r
There is nothing more pathetic than watching a 45 year old woman in JPMS' Employ with bleach blond hair, in a corset, knee high ass tight mini skirt, and knee high leather boots ganging up with six to eight other students ages 18, 19, 20, and 21 against a single student who has made a life choice not to be a party to the gang bully hipocrate mentality at PMS.
Pros: InterNational Milliondollar Money Grabing Hoard Aglometation
Cons: Dishonesty in bueisness dealings with students and clients.