Our children ran our household. Somehow we had lost the power trying to accomodate them. Dr. Haas quickly asessed the situation and gave us sound and explicit instructions on how to regain our power. We are the parents and our job is to teach our kids how to excel in life and become responsible people. Implementing the new strategy wasn't easy and the children definitly bucked the new system but we stayed firm, and I am so grateful to Dr. Haas for all his suggestions. They worked!! My 8 and 10 yr. old have fallen in line and I believe are happier for it. They no longer fight me to do homework, or help around the house. They understand that we are a team and together we can do anything. It's a give and take relationship, no more just give, give, give.This doctor worked for us and I am sure if you listen and implement his strategies he can help you too.
Pros: Attentive, Understanding, Direct, Effective
Cons: Waiting period, runs a little late, but worth it.