You gotta check this place out. my truck broke down and as many other single Mom (parents) would do i reached for the Yellow pages in attempt to obtain the cheapest estamate possible. i was met W/ much opposition as far as schedualing. Financing.and an overrall apathetic attitude from the most of the Establishments i Sought help from them. however all this changed when I stepped into David's Automotive i was greeted by a courtious knowegable staff that actually cares about the little guy. I shopped around the remainder of that afternoon but my desision had already been made. being mechanicly inclined my self i was sure that i was not only shopping for the greatest deals but also quality work. EVER HEARD OF HAVING YOUR CAKE AND EATTING IT TO? Well now you have I'm Raising 2 kids on my own and i already know that you can relate to the fact that 1. THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH TIME IN THE DAY TO DO EVERYTHING THAT MUST BE DONE. AND 2.THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH $$$$$.
Pros: Treat people like real people
Cons: i wish i would have found this place and staff years ago