Horrible company Stay Away government Warning
Fake customer reviews / bad company USE AT your own risk
310+ filed complaints to various government agencies
Over 1500 internet complaints
1 current Superior court case
5 Current Court Defaults unpaid
26 + court cases
Filed Fictitious Names
Certificate # 493130
Filing type : Fictitious Business names
FBN# 469894 Proof of publication on file : Yes
DBA= Doing business as:
Ram Moving Corp -
R1 Moving & Storage -
All United Vanlines
Win / Win vanlines -
AVL Moving systems
American Vanlines-
Get a Driver -
Get a Packer -
Get a Mover
Get a Packer-
Trans Vanlines-
Safari Moving
Better Way 2 Move
fixpricemove com corp
Any Time Relocation Inc
Pros: Class action law suites
Cons: to many to list check NBC news