Had My first treatment (hardly any irritation) red like sunburn > 2 days later started peeling (literally I started to get emotional as the peeling skin revealed hardly any melasma at all > smaller pore size tighter skin > I really cried (foundation was a coverup and who wants to wear it > I didn't) 2nd treatment 30 days later > I am in toal AWWWW > It's Gone , from here on in Dr. Won & Lana have all of my skin needs under their care> They will be starting me on the right regime's to maintain my beautiful new skin and clear complexion> what the sun had damaged > Cosmelan had (thank god) Brought back > My clear , dewy , Newborn infant looking skin! Let's FACE it if we don't like what we see in a mirror how can we exude confidence or feel good about ourself? As a professional Model/Look A Like... COSMELAN IS MY SAVIOR! The SUN is our Enemy! I will continue to take care of my skin under Dr. Won & Lana's care and stay out of the sun , Trust me The prescription Cosmelan is where the cure is (the new formula cannot compete with The Prescription one) Sincerest regards to all! Thanks Dr. Won & Lana (big hug)\r
Also ~ I have had my Botox/Radiesse/15 min nose job done, everytime I leave I feel so great like 10 years has been taken off of my age, (without going under the knife> and that in itself is worry free being able to sleep at nite PEACE) You won't regret visiting this Medspa, I put off what I should have done a deacade ago, They listen to your needs and address them to be suit your realistic results and are EXTREMELY Affordable !
Cons: NONE ~ Took Years To get Sun Damage = 30 Days To Correct >