Waldorf education is indeed an educational alternative with an 80 plus year proven track record. Richmond Waldorf School is accredited by the Association of Waldorf School of North America and all of our teachers hold higher education degrees and are Waldorf certified or in process of certification - up to and including Master's degrees in Waldorf education. Waldorf schools do not use textbooks but rather lessons are taught by the teachers and students record their lessons in a Main Lesson Book that they create. This is a deeply embedded element of the Waldorf philosophy - that children learn best by doing. Waldorf education has served students well all over the world for more than 80 years. Our students here at RWS have tranferred out into public schools as well as some highly competitive private schools where they have been well received by their new schools and peers.\r
It is true that RWS does not have the resources for many types of learning disabilities, however many students who don't fit into the traditional school environment thrive in Waldorf schools.\r