I shoot there as often as my time will allow, and take my daughters there also. My youngest got her CHL there recently, and they are very Knowlegable in all types of firearms and training both for the new shooter and the Pro as well. They also help to get specialty guns of all types , and will help to attain your collectors FFL as well. Thet will walk you thru the steps nesesary if you qualify. These guys have it going on at this business and will help in anyway that you need help They seem to know allmost everything there is to know about firearms, and if not , they will find the answer to your question as soon as possible to Helping me and my three Daughters and giving them complete answers to thier questions when they have themi am not trying to pump them up at all, just being as truthfull as I can without just saying a bunch of untrue stuff, but telling it as I personally see it from my stand point of being a well versed shooter , and also a competition shooter in hostage terrorist shooting and don't shoot situations and also no lighht, and low light training.Having shot may assauly courses with another club, I give these guys an A rating in most everything they do but also catering to Women Shooters as well. All else that I can say is Thank you for taking my 3 daughters under you well ecucated wings and walking them thru the CHL classes in such a very good and Knowlegable manner like you have, Randy\r
The Nightster
Pros: Uuafied Instructors, and CHL Classes for both Men and Women
Cons: The Ventilation system could use an upgrade, but not much