Charlene follows the money 100% of the time. She doesn't care about the reality of the situation for the children, she just rules in favor of the parent that seems most likely to have the money to pay her to do another CFI in the future or most likely to tell their friends with money to hire her to do their CFI. If you can't pay, she is ruthless and stops at nothing to take your life apart.
She can't practice psychology treatment with patients because she is entirely incompetent as a therapist - not to mention a terrible judge of personal motives and character. Quite frankly, she is a terribly mentally disturbed individual and brings her own personal issues to bear in every custody case she handles. She gave up taking patients because she cannot produce positive results in clients through counseling due to her personal problems with countertransference.
She bragged in one meeting with a party to one of her CFI investigations that she has an exclusive relationship with Judge Strauss in Adams County and the Judge ONLY uses her for all court cases where she can appoint a CFI. The two of them essentially have an extortion game going where you are forced to use her regardless of your alleged rights to be involved in the selection process for a CFI in your case.
Advise on Charlene? Stay away. Stay alive.
Pros: She can't hurt our family anymore
Cons: She's an extortionist, narcissistic & materialistic lunatic