My wife went into Rite-Aid Pharmacy in Ocean Beach to pick up her prescription. She parked in Rite Aid lot, there were no meters, just marked spaces. She came out after 10 minutes and had what appeared to be a city issued parking ticket on the window. She came home and wrote a check thinking it would go on her record if not paid. Upon more research we found out it is a fake ticket made and printed by Parking Co of America. My wife was in the store for 10 minutes. This is a scam perpitrated by Parking co of America and Rite Aid. The company gets 50% of the income for the tickets and the balance goes back to Rite Aid. There are several other stores doing the same thing. We have spent $18,000 over two years to Rite Aid for our medications. I'm transfering our prescriptions elsewhere tomorrow. The City Attorney needs to investigate this scam. Many people are just sending in money thinking its a city issued citation. I called the police and two officers responded and made a report which I'm sure will be filed and never read again.
Cons: Use extortion to get your money