I have several large trees in my yard. During the recent snow storm I had a few large limbs come off of a Fir tree next to my house. Then a couple of days after the snow started to melt I realized that my tree was leaning. I called Urban Forest because hey had pruned the large Oak tree in my yard in the summer. They had told me then that the Fir needed to go, but I decided to hold off. I am so grateful they were able to remove the tree in time despite my procrastination. They even worked with my insurance company to have the removal partially covered. When I spoke to my insurance company they said I had no claim until the tree came down and damaged the house, but Urban Forest convinced them to pay half saving me over $1,000 dollars. They said that the insurance companies usually wont pay until the tree falls on the house and that I was very lucky, but still they pursued it for me anyway and what a remarkable outcome. I am on a fixed income and saving that money really meant a lot.
Pros: go out of their way to help
Cons: expensive