My teenage son has taken lessons at both Gottschalks and Skips in the past few years under both of their best guitar instructors. We figured that in the past few years that we have spent at least a combined $3,800 - $4,000 on guitar lessons.\r
My son has just recently started to take lessons from Randall Padilla-Modesto Advanced Guitar Instruction, and who also teaches at Langlois Music. We have spent only $200 to date (6 lessons) and already his improvement is clearly noticeable. He practices a lot more now and is a lot more enthused.\r
For the entire past few years, the other teachers have provided very little if any written lesson material, and if they did it was always handwritten. Padilla's lessons are loaded with text, real notation, music theory, practice tips. My son says his lessons look exactly like what the Pros put out, so I'm happy that he's excited about music once again.\r
I'm just excited to know that I am getting what I paid for!