I started going to Oncken Chiropractic a little while after they opened. At the time I suffered from severe low back pain and crippling headaches. Dr. Oncken relieved both of those ailments, all while counceling me on nutirition, supplements, wellness and all around health. \r
I was already grateful for the amazing care I received, but never knew how grateful I would be until I was about 7 months pregnant with my first child. I began getting severe low back pain, and shooting pains down one of my legs. At one point I was actually afraid I was in back labor, the pain was so severe. I went to Dr. Oncken first thing the morning after the pain started, and after the first visit the pain was lessened substantially. I continued seeing him throughout the rest of my pregnancy. It was then that I learned how Chiropractic care can help a great deal with shorter labors and easier pregnancies all around. I would recommend Oncken Chiropractic to anyone, pregnant or not! He has made my life better through his extraordinary care.