I would like to take the time to share with you my views on this health care system. If you are thinking about becoming an employee WARNING TO YOU. Scottsdale Healthcare is not a place you would even want to consider ! Just check with the EEOC and see the list of complaints and settlements made on behalf of former employees. From racism, hostile work environments and unfavorable working conditions this place is off the hook. Being a patent here may not be a very good idea either log into fox phoenix news and type in Scottsdale Healthcare HospitalRape. A woman wasraped in the hospital at Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn, therape wasn't reported to police for almost a month while hospital officials attempted a mass cover up. Outcome was that employees were charged criminally and convictions were handed down by the court. Hospital Security taunted an unstable man who returned and fired rounds in the hospital with a shotgun injuring one person. This facility in my opinion is not only unsafe and a hostile place to work it is loaded with corruption. you can go to my3centsdotcom and read horror stories about shady billing practices and CitySearch and read about mass discrimination of minority employees. So if your thinking about becoming a patient or an employee I would think twice about Scottsdale Healthcare as in my opinion it is truly a rip off and not a good place to be. Trust me I know first hand I use to work there.