my name is jenny, my client bailed on me the last minuted so i had no choice but to call her near christmas because i had to leave for vacation so i was at motel 6 ready to go vacation at night. Her name is Anna. she did a terrible terrible job and was weired, i came back from my vacation with alot of crazy itch.i called her to take it off and she kept telling me to get this and that typ of cream when i told her i have this done many times and she made be believe this braiding technique was soo great so i gave it another shot. anyways, she said whenever i need to take it off call her with no charge she's the only one with no charge but guess what she charge and also if you guys call her her voice mail said gauranteed mine was not even a week and she gave me all this *** im sooo mad sorry anyways she ask me how much i was charge for a track i said 25 than she said oh ill dio it for 15 i normally get it done a total with 4 track max 5 track so thats 100 to 125 braiding techniques because its not glue so it shouldnt be the end it was a total of like 16 track and she charge me *** 300 something , im sorry for my language, again thats my oppinion she comes to our place you cant go to hers. anyways dont waste your money on her...she'll hella charge you...if you want a place emaile me ill show you, its cheap and very nice oooo she just call me leaving me a voice message saying only hook** goes to motel 6 and that she had to drive her butts to moetl 6...this is funny when in the first place i said i could come to her she dint let me she said she was the on who drives around and now she saying..... ok whatever you guys are getting it right were smart dont waste money on this kinda crap....oh yea i just finish taking of my extension...if you have a BF tell him to help its easy i rather cut a piece of my hair than to pay her again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxkenny_jennyxx@yahoo