The venue is not bad and actually given it's location really close to my house I like it. I have heard complaints about the heater being too moisy but it has not bothered me. Most of the complaints were from the instructor and there is where my bad rating comes. I have had 2 different instructors there. Neiterh left me with a feeling of piece. The first was super whiney. After class Monday she was outside talking about quitting because the palce was too negative. It is mainly because of her. Today the instructor enraged me. This stuck up women scolded me for drinking water during class? And then when i decided I needed to leave because i needed to drink water before passing out she scolded again. Several people had already left, I was not the first and her attitude and scolding were far more distracting to anyone than me drinking water or leaving. I left furious and as soon as I use my 5 punches will never go back. I have been doing various yogas for years elsewhere. This place needs to hire some yoga instructors who knwo what they are trying to achieve. Help the class let go and improve their practice not snob out and adhere to some ridiculous rule.