Via the emergency room, I ended up in surgery, and then to the 4th floor nurses station for a couple days. My hats off to the wonderful nurses and nurses aids of the 4th floor. I received superior service, my needs were completely met by very caring individuals ... my care level was exceptional. One nurse in particular went above and beyond the call of duty, stayed well after his shift to make sure that my husband felt comfortable with the care he would have to provide me upon my discharge from the hospital. Matt R, you are a most caring, considerate individual, and I appreciate the compassion you showed to both my husband and I. You are a wonderful nurse, and are a real asset to St. John's Hospital. We sometimes read of the ""not-so-good"" experiences of others, but I feel it's even more important that we share our positive experiences with the public, but especially with those who were the reason the experience was a good one for us. Blessings to all the nursing staff on 4th floor.
Pros: Caring, compassionate staff who want the best for their patients.
Cons: Nothing to complain about.