Well whoever posted the last review is totally overreacting about the situation downtown. I've been to a lot of big cities, and the area that the school and the student housing is in is not that bad. The bums and yes even the drug addicts and hookers are harmless. They are going to be in every big city. I?m a pretty tiny girl, and walked passed them every night, and had no feeling of a need of any protection. I'd walk home by myself at 1 in the morning and feel perfectly safe. If you're coming from a small town in the middle of nowhere, yes, I'm sure it's a bit intimidating, but you'll get over it. White Center (South Seattle) and First Hill as well as parts of 99 are areas to be scared of here, and that's nowhere near the school. \r
I will say this school is full of a lot of crap. Those people who are going to be giving you tours don't have any idea what the heck they are talking about. Please, whatever you do, don't listen to anything they say. Ask the students, ask the teachers,