I signed up with Banfield as I needed the reccomended immunity shots and when I was presented the Wellness Plan I eagerly jumped on it thinking I would be saving money and giving my dog the best opportunity to good care. After the installment fee and monthly dues I had begun I took advantage of the free office visits with every problem I had since that is what sold me on the Wellness Plan. I paid no less than $100 a visit for medicine they recommended, additional services, etc. They then recommended Science Diet which I followed until I realized the affects it was having. Ear problems, constant licking of her genitals, itching, etc.... Come to find she had a yeast infection (Canidae Canidus- spelling might be off). The food I was giving her increased the yeast and thus the problems. This is a problem that many dogs deal with and it is often referred to as allergies. What you must do is change your dog's diet from a grainy source to a high protein diet. Anyways that was my big fuss as I