On september 12th. 2008 My pet female mixed breed dog Mitzy passed from this life due to a bowel obstruction. I tried to get these people to let me make arrangements to pay for proper surgery that would have saved my dog.s life. I was told by these people that they don't do that. I didn;t have enough credit on any of my cards to allow me to pay them. It would only have taken me a few weeks to get together enough money to pay them but they didn't care. This dog was the center of my household. losing her has devastated my family. True she was an old dog but she was otherwise in bery good health and would probably have lived another 4-5 years. In short this dog did not have to die. We have friends who would have gladly given me the money if I could only have been able to contact them in time. I curse myself for ever having trusted these people with the care of my pet. Some day these people will stand before God in judgement and I will stand up and curse them for the heartless thing they'v