I made the mistake of taking my truck into Sun Devil to have an oil leak on the oil pan fixed. They told me that I needed to replace the High pressure oil pump. I agreed to the tune of $1800 plus. When I picked the truck up the ""mechanic"" told me if I continued to have low fuel mileage and no power to bring it back. It would need to have the gate on the turbo replaced. I informed him that I had brought the truck in for an oil leak not low mileage or no power. The truck was pretty gutless on the way home, so I checked under the hood. The lid was not on the air box, it was next to it. \r
Less then a week later my turn signals went nuts. When I had them fixed (by someone else) I was informed that the wires had been pulled loose in the steering column. No one has been in my steering column before.\r
I had to replace my battery cables because ""someone"" had used a very large screw driver to pry a large section of the wiring inside the cable free right next to the battery terminal. The insulation had been partially pulled free before the truck went to Sun Devil.\r
And the oil leak on the oil pan? All they had done was wipe off the oil pan. Turns out the high pressure oil pump is on the front of the engine. They claim the engine was awash with oil. Engine has never been cleaned and yet there is only a fine film of oil on the opposite end. The valley of the engine is perfectly clean. I was charged $1200 plus for the hpop. They claim they never mark up parts. My price at the dealer - $600. I was charged $184 for gaskets and o rings. The gasket o ring kit costs $29. I was charged for miscellanous parts. $100 plus. There are no miscellanous parts on a hpop. The tech manual says if there is an oil leak replace the o rings ($29). The same manual gives an entire list of problems and codes for the pump. None of which applied to the truck. They can't produce an invoice or dianogstics codes. \r
And to fix the oil leak? A nut was tighted!
Pros: I can't think of any
Cons: Invent what they can't find