I have been a client of Irina for 7 years.
I've just read all the four star reviews.
How can I elaborate
on what everyone has said?
There are those people who are born and blessed with special gifts.
Great dancers such as Baryshnikov, great actors like Tom Hanks,
great minds as Albert Einstein. Irina without a doubt, belongs in
this category.of gifted people.
She is
extraordinary and brilliant, she creates magic in everything she touches.
A magician of the cloth.
As a former stylist and collector of vintage clothing for 25 years,
I feel so fortunate to be her client and am honored to know Irina.
I admire her not only for her magic hands but for being a human
being with a beautiful heart as well.
I would also like to mention and thank the very talented Anna,
who makes
her own special contribution to Silhouettes and Profiles.