i saw your numbers on your web site and I am glad that 137 were saved and that 85 rededicated however what is your follow up program with these people? just because they were saved doesn't mean much what are you doin gto insure that hey are well educated in the promises of christ? it is to my understanding that you stop with the salvation message and never teach these people what it is and what it means to be free in Christ. So what is the deal with that. remeber that we are acountable for what we do and what we don't do. God Bless \r
Promis Land\r
Why is Tom your # 2 in command assisting in the selling of illict substances. remember that we all have that day where we WILL be held accountable by Christ and our Father. is this what you want to be held accountable for,.
Pros: roof over head
Cons: petafiles