This fall our daughters began their third year at Liberty Classical Academy (LCA). We feel that moving our girls out of the public school setting into a private, Christian school has been the best educational decision we have made on their behalf, because they are being given the tools they need to prepare them for their future. They are mastering basic, fundamental principals in core subjects, rather than glazing over topics. They are also learning to think for themselves instead of being bombarded with teacher?s lectures and sometimes empty options. Best of all while all this great teaching is going on, they don?t have to compromise what they hold true in their hearts - their faith in Jesus Christ.\r
During their K-12 school years, there is nothing more refreshing to us as parents than to send our children out of our home and into a school that echoes what we are teaching them. To have connections at a school full of families that are like-minded. To not fret about the kinds of influences their peers are having on them.\r
Our children feel safe and secure in their classroom and social settings at LCA, which fosters healthy and meaningful growth, not only academically, but also emotionally and spiritually.\r
To have a place that provides a quality education, as well as being intentional about developing Christ-like character and meaningful relationships is very difficult to find, but we found that at Liberty. We are so grateful to be a part of what is known as the Liberty family.\r
Pros: Great student body, great teachers and administration, small town atmosphere in the middle of a big city
Cons: At one time the school was in one location, but it has grown so much (that's a pro) that we are now one school at two different campuses. Part of the family is missing.