We dined with a party of ten in Sept. 2006 and 2007. At our 2007 seating they forgot the promised birthday cake and 5 of the 9 dishes were the same as the previous year. When we emailed and asked them to vary the menu for our 2008 seating, Thomas Keller called us personally and said, ""If you don't like what I serve, don't come. I'll even help you find another restaurant to eat at."" We canceled and will now dine at Gary Danko's in S.F., a much better restaurant. French Laundry is SO not worth what they charge you. For $6,000.00 for dinner for 10 people Keller should kiss the foot of his customers and remember his roots and where he belongs, sweating over a hot stove to earn his keep. There is no longer room in his restaurant for customers along with his ego.