I just moved in to this apartment and I am very disapointed. I am cursed with noisy up stairs neighbers. They have two kids that they dont tell no to who run around the apartment all day and night. When I tried to talked to them they told me they cant tell there kids not to run(they are 3 and 6, they can be told no). So they know it disturbs the neighbers and they wont do anything about it. I then told the propery manager, who siad she would write a letter stating the terms of the lease state that parents are responsible for the supervision of their children and not permit any loud noises that will otherwise distrub other tenent. When i called to check if that was done, she said she just gave them a call and the mother was going to try to them in bed by their bed time(umm that wasnt the preoblem). They continue to ignour the problem. I believe that since these tenents have been here longer that they are pretty much excused from following the lease and the other tenents suffer.