I was very fortunate to retain Blake Nordahl as my immigration lawyer with respect to obtaining American citizenship. I had a strong desire to obtain my American citizenship but felt apprehensive about facing the complicated immigration process . Blake was not only understanding but extremely thorough with my application, which was by no means straight forward. He kept me informed well ahead of time on all of the progress. He gave me a thorough understanding of what to study for the interview and actually attended my final interview. It was of great comfort to me to be accompanied by Blake to this very important interview. Blake lead me to fulfill a dream in a manner that I can only describe as superb. I feel tremendous gratitude toward Blake as both my husband and I are now American citizens. Through Blake we are now able to vote on issues that are important to us. This gives us not only a sense of pride but great hope for the future which we can now influence through our votes. In summary both my husband and I highly recommend Blake for all types of immigration issues.
Pros: Best immigration attorney I have encountered