Stars is led by Dan and Ashly Baker. They were named Texas Coaches of the year a couple of years back and have a history of producing incredible atheletes including several US team members and lots of TOPS gymnasts. The real value that we like is the fact that they inspire kids to give 100% and have fun doing it. Their competitive team is also a real team. A level three team gymnast will often be working out 20 feet from an elite gymnast and they will both be genuinely encouraging each other. Add to that the team psychologist that comes in a few times ayear to help them get their head in the game both in gym and in school and this year's morality workshops where they help each other to decide how a true lady champion should behave. These folks really fulfill the USA Gymnastics slogan, ""Start here and go anywhere""!
Pros: Excellent coaching, nice facility
Cons: Parents of team members must be able to commit to the team schedule