Armed with a lot of information on what to look for in a high quality dog food for my new puppy, I ventured with excitement and determination to buy. I enter with cheery hello and ask for the dog food and say that I would like to spend time reading the labels. So I spend time reading all of the ingredients of a couple of labels and then a couple more when I realize that I am continually ask if I need help in such a way that I am actually being told they don't like that. I literally implored them to allow me to continue to read the labels. They obviously did not like this. I was asked if they wanted them to look the prices up on the computer when they actually knew the prices off the top of their head. I literally had to ask 6 or 7 times in 20 minutes to be allowed to continue to read the labels. So although I entered happy with excitement to buy a quality product for my new puppy, the gloomy mood of suspicion made me feel very uncomfortable. I was clean and well dressed and there was no reason for this. When I finished looking at the food I wanted to check out some chew toys and such but the overall feeling was very unwelcoming. I just felt my neck tightening as I looked over the various collars They turned a happy shopping trip for my new puppy into
Pros: Lots o stuff
Cons: Terrible customer relations