i am a birthmother of AIM,they are a heaven sent agency that i will never forget. and i will never forget a special woman by the name of malinda,i hold a very special place in my heart for her.everytime i think about what happened 6yrs ago,i just start to cry of joy.let me tell you what this woman did for me.first of all i wasnt sure if i was making the best decision for my unborn daughter,malinda came out to meet me not one time not two i cant even count how many times,she was so patient with me and she never once pressured me into making a life decision for my unborn daughter.so i went ahead and had my daughter,and i tried to make it,but i knew deep inside the best decision was AIM. so one night it was 10pm 11pm im not sure,but it was pouring down raining,i remember that.i had called malinda,and had told her to help me and she knew what i was trying to say.she came to my place in the middle of the night in the pouring rain to get my daughter.even though i felt so bad in and out,malinda made me feel special and she was the shoulder i cried on that night.if you are looking for an agency that will care about you AIM is the best.and sometimes its not just about the money.you will see and i can promise you,you will not regret it.