I just had dinner with my husband there this evening. We had good seafood albeit overpriced. However, they serve Foie Gras, basically an ultra fatty patte. It's probably the most inhumane farming practice conducted, really it's animal torture. It requires the force feeding of geese with a medal feeding tube that causes regurgitation, painful lacerations, organ failure, lung failure, and sometimes the explosion of internal organs. These birds are kept heavily confined, force feed, and die long painful deaths. Many have refused to serve it, including Wolfgang Puck, and cities like Chicago have banned it. I would urge everyone not to go to Cafe Del Rey until the take it off the menu for good. I am not against meat or fish, but serving foie gras is really horrific and I hope you'll reconsider spending your money there.
Pros: Decent Food
Cons: Serves Foie Gras