It sounds like a couple of the glowing reviews of MVM were written by the new owners. be that as it may let me relate my experiences of mountain view management. Charlie Hamm had been the owner of MVM for at least a decade, a decade I call Apartment Hell. He is a sadist, he enjoyed telling tenants that repairs would be made immediately and then would refuse to send a repairman to fix the problems. When I would see him the next month and ask why nothing was done he would lie. And he would smile as he was lying. There are a lot of people in Tahoe who have had the distinct displeasure of having to deal with Charlie Hamm. I am not sure if it is local legend or true, but it is told that of all the property managers in Tahoe he was no. 1 in lawsuits filed by tenants. He reminds me of someone who takes pleasure in pulling wings off a fly. A sick, sick man. I can truthfully say I have never met such a demented human being like him during my lifetime - a thoroughly disgusting example of a man. I truly, fervently pray that someday he will have to deal with someone who is at least as big an a'hole that Charlie is (if that is possible).I wonder why the new owners would find it necessary to make up the two glowing reviews of MVM - what are they so afraid of. Maybe worried that Charlie's karma will continue in the office? Go to hell Charlie Hamm and may the rest of your life be just as miserable as you have wished upon your tenants.
Pros: charlie will die
Cons: it won't be soon enough