River Oaks is a community church, which is excellent. Most anyone should be able to come & the church is new and quite mordern. The pastor is excellent. BUT the church motto is "Come as you are..." BUT I must add that it should say "Come as you are UNLESS you are gay, seperated, of other ethnicity, etc" The church is tooo judgemental. The church kicked a friend out of the church for being gay, instead of welcoming her and loving her, and showing her the love of God. And another guy I know went there and had been recently seperated with his wife & was having a hard time accepting his seperation from his wife and wanted some advice, so he came to the "singles divorced" group to make friends and get advice on how to handle his new seperation. A pastor banned him from going, saying it was unethical to his wife to be there. I don't know, its difficult for me to accept a church that cannot get past the exterior to see the interior of a person, to see the truth. I feel as if River Oaks can only see doctorine and rules, not hearts & souls.
Pros: the building is new & refreshing & modern, nice children's ministry, great head pastor, nice praise & worship
Cons: judemental, not at all diverse in its community