Not only is apollo college expensive, but also there are so many students, there is not much opportunity for the teacher (s) to give you one- on -one time. I attended for the veterinary assistant program. They told me it was the only location that offered a veterinary "tech" program in the state of oregon. Unfortunately, in the state of oregon, they no longer accredit apollo credits toward a tech license. You used to be able to work for a clinic for 4-5 years to obtain the tech license, but that is no longer acceptable either. So what does a veterinary assistant actually do? They clean kennels, and do basic housekeeping jobs in the clinic which you do not need to pay 12 grand for or need a college education. If i would have known, or if they would have told me that pcc offered a tech program and you are able to get certified after two years, i surely would have taken that route. Go to pcc, and don't waste your money on apollo college!!!