My Maltese is a very different little Dog. She talks almost like she's Human. I'm sure you've all heard that before, but if you could see her, you'd understand. Anyone who has spent time with her comments that they've never encountered a dog quite like her. All of my other Dogs in my life have been very afraid of their Doctors, while this one LOVES everyone at Oakley Square Vets !. We always ask for Doctor Benz because she knows our pooch so well. In Fact she has nick-named our little one as "The Talker". When the door first opens and they call her name, she looks over at them and lets out a nice long "oooooowwwwwwrrrrrrr" with her tail wagging. She growls a bit when looking at each person, but her tail is wagging and she loves everyone there so much. With that said, The care at this location is top notch ! . . I can't say enough about them. They listen carefully and give all sorts of advice.