I was put off a bit by some of the negative reviews but when our 6 yo dog of 1 month (off Craigslist) fell very ill very fast I took her to another vet who checked her for heartworms (negative), tested positive for a tick borne disease (EHRLICHIOSIS she was tick infested when we got her) and then wanted to hospitalize her and run more tests amounting to $1k, I just couldn't afford that (and believe me a got a good dose of self-righteous attitude and guilt tripping for that fact - and I will add for one simple visit, test, and bottle of antibiotics it was well over $100). I got the round of antibiotics for the Ehrlichiosis and thought to wait for a few days before doing anything else since she was still eating (though I had to hold her by the food because she was too weak to stand). I was distraught. My husband wanted to put her down because she wasn't getting better.\r
Out of desperation I called Blue Cross and they said to come in there was no wait. The doctor not only saw her immedi