I took my dog, a collie mix, here. She who was having marked symptoms of lethargy, apparent pain, etc., behavior that had a sudden onset and was dramatically different from her usual self. The vet minimized her symptoms, did no meaningful testing, and sent her home to go to her own vet the next day. He would not be persuaded by my insistence that her behavior was indicating something was very wrong with her. I feared that she had been poisoned as she wouldn't even look at her beloved dog biscuits. I took her home and her behavior was unchanged for 90 minutes until she took a deep breath and died. Needless to say, it was devastating and I later learned likely a very painful death for her. My psychiatrist brother who worked one summer in college in a vet office diagnosed her over the phone, gastric torsion, a complete turning of the stomach, cutting off input/output to stomach and blood to upper body. It is very common in collies and other deep chest dogs and besides a few other c