I took my dog to Little Dogs for about 2 years and recently they had said that MY dog attacked the owners dog....For one my dog only weighs 8 pounds and they said she was on top of the owners dog attacking him (HOW in the world can an 8 pound dog attack a bigger dog??) so to punish my dog they put her in TIMEOUT for 5 HOURS!!!!! Why would anyone in their right mind lock a dog in a kennel for 5 hours. My dog had BLOODY paws from scratching and trying to get out of the kennel and her face was soaked from her crying!! I take my dog to doggy daycare so I DO NOT have to put her in a kennel!! I am just furious that they would do that to an animal. If a Child daycare was to put a CHILD in timeout for 5 hours they would be SHUT DOWN!!!!!!!