This lady is fantastic, hands down, for curly hair. I'm 28, medium-volume curly hair. The $85 curly cut is well worth it for day after week after month hair that air-dries well and looks great, healthy, and pretty. If you're like me, your hair is a bit on the dry side (as is most curly hair) and you spend a good bit on hair products to moisturize and tame. Who knew that so much springs from a good cut. Spend the money on Jacki instead! Jacki knows what she's doing and will also give you great style tips. I will go back to her for as long as she's cutting hair. Only warning - she is KAH-razy with the AMOUNT of styling product she puts in your hair after she cuts it. It looked like I had dragged my head through an oil slick - it was only after I washed it all out that I began to delight in the cut itself. If you have somewhere to be, tell her to go EASY on the gel/creme/mousse whatever she puts in there. Otherwise, I couldn't give her a higher recommendation.