Hello, my name is shawn and i am one of the owners of pic bros auto sales. i would like to respond on the false review from aj1214 made on 8/9/08. it seems AJ doesn't like to tell the whole truth or the whole story for all that it matters. he and his wife did buy a 1999 chevy cavalier from us on 4/7/08 for the price of 2300.00 plus tax and tags,700.00 under loan value. he also purchased a DRIVE TRAIN warranty from eagle warranty, not through me. the warranty they picked out was the least expensive and only covered drive train related items. they did come back after about 3 weeks and said the check engine light was on, so to be nice, i hooked up the scanner to see what was wrong. it was a code caused by them losing their gas cap and driving around without one. I gave them a used one and cleared code, light did not come back on and didn't hear from them for about four months. when they called they were mad because they had their car to their garage for a shutting off problem which is not covered by the chosen warranty. while at garage lots of new parts were installed on the car and in the process wiring got shorted out and security locked out the cars capability of running. his quality garage socked him a bill for over 1300.00 for unnecessary repairs and told him they could not fix it. car then went to another garage where they would not even touch the mess from previous garage. AJ calls me and i agree to look at it to see if i could help. i picked the car up and spent approx. 7 hours putting car back together just to be able to see what was goin on. come to find out there were several wires cut and or burnt causing a short in the computer. I did repair bad wiring and figured a way to get him running for now but he would need a new comp, and will need a GM garage to program it,DIDN'T CHARGE HIM A DIME! I feel i went above and beyond what most people would do.Seems the only person AJ should be mad at is himself and his quality garage! Maybe A J shouldn't be a J A!
Pros: all pros
Cons: no cons