Ok so me and my girlfriend go to see a concert and first of all tickets where way to over priced, second of all the parking flaggers where lazy, rude and basicly worthless. so then after we walked a mile to get to the gate the security check sucked, not because it took so long they didnt even check 9/10 of the people. now we finaly get to the second stage and got our way to the front of the crowd and we were fine untill the crowd surfers started, dont get me wrong i have no problem with them there just having a good time. its the bouncer/ security gaurds that sucked . they all where fat as a house and couldnt even hold there own weight. noot to mention that they dropped about every 8 out of 10 people. then they cursed at us because we were protecting out selfs because they where doing the job , not only that they threatend to take me and my girlfried to jail for pushing the crowd surfers off of us. they were basicly the rudest dumbest lazyest stupid security gaurds i have ever seen , and ive been to well over 100 concerts. so after finaly have a little fun for maybe 20 minuets me and my girlfriend headed to the hill and after 5 minuets we dicieded that we couldnt take any more and left because you couldnt see or hear anything . so after about 100 dollars and being there for an hour tops ive decided i will never return to that place. so people thinking of going to a show there see if the show is comming to any other near by venues because you will be very disapointed and feel how i feel
Pros: the band was great
Cons: parking security kindness of employies sight and sound