I've been in glasses since age eight and have been going to Eyes On Fremont for the last ten years. I decided long ago that if I have to wear glasses, I want to WEAR glasses, so I am always on the lookout for the striking and unusual frame, (and by that I don't mean crazy or flashy, although they have a few of those two). I'm also of the old school that not only appreciates excellent customer service but expects it and I will not spend my money where it does not exist. These two requirements have made EOF my go-to for frames and lenses. I have never failed to encounter caring, friendly staff and, by this time, know them all. They also know my tastes and that makes our collabarations a joy. To illustrate the level of service. My last pair of new frames, (about 18 months ago), were purchased after a staff member noticed a new pair that came into the shop, immediately knew they would be great for me and called to let me know I must come in and see them. She was so right ! I feel great wearing them and I can honestly say that not a week has gone by since that I do not receive at least one favorable comment on my glasses. What more could I ask......I'm happy, EOF is happy and apparently we're making at least one person a week happy too........lol. For those of us who wear glasses, Eyes On Fremont is an opportunity and a gift, don't miss out!