I Have been shopping and selling my designer clothing with Rodeo Drive Resale for over 7 years now. I have visited several other consignment stores near Rodeo Drive Resale and they just dont compare in the quality of clothing Rodeo Drive carries. The sales staff is wonderful and the clothing is always neat, clean and organized. The best part is that everything they carry is designer while other resale shops have 90% junk and 10% designer. I would say that that Rodeo Drive Resale is by far the best resale store in California. I would say Decades comes in second as they also have top of the line designers but I do not care much for their staff and I find that they have the same clothes and bags forever. At Rodeo Drive I see new merchandise each time I go online and the staff is THE BEST. As far as selling your items with Rodeo Drive they pay quickly and fairly. This is a resale store that you can trust.
Pros: Authentic merchandise only.Large selection
Cons: Onlien only now