Don't ever rent from Noonkester! He is the worst landlord in Blacksburg. Our apartment was filthy when we moved in. The white linoleum floors were black, there was garbage left all over the apartment, and there was even vommit running down the sides of the toilets. He ""forgot to have the apartment cleaned"" and we had to do it ourselves. Parking is a huge problem because he never tows even though I requested that he enforce his rule over a dozen times. There were 11 spaces in our lot for 12 residents and tons of non-residents parked there due to a lack of towing. My car was smashed in the parking lot twice due to overcrowding. We caught several rodents in our apartment and Noonkester would do nothing about the continued problem. When things break, forget having them fixed unless you call every day for a month. I highly recommend renting from anyone except Noonkester.
Pros: location was the only good thing about this apartment
Cons: parking, noise, service, clenliness, maintenence, rodents