Responding again to negative complaints about trailor park. First lived here 34 years and counting. First the manager does drive around or the people who have wrote reviews would not complain for being harassed. Second when do you know when the owner is coming do you know him if do tell him what's going on been he 34 years never seen him. Third if you don't like it here get out you sound like trouble and your the problem. What would you do if you lived in a sub division who would you bitch to now. Why don't these lazy ass parents takecare of you kids running around with no respect. Let me guess is that her job to. I recently went down to the police department had them look into what calls where made here. ONE BREAK IN, numerous kids being detructive and domesic fights. Well what does that tell me takecare your kids and pick your spouces better. An if you have time to see what the manager is doing or not doing you need a job or a hobby. An I'm not a friend or family just find another excuess.
Pros: Manager that tries
Cons: People thinks this is the projects