PLEASE READ THERE ARE 2 SIDES TO EVERY STORY!! Sarah and toby( her 8 mos. old 4 lb, yorkie) made an appt. for 11 am. She asked for toby to have a bath. After feeling toby's coat I informed her he was matted to the skin and she HAD only 2 choices. 1). strip him to the skin, the clipper has to go under the matts OR 2). give me TIME and I would slowly and painlesly cut, thin, and dematt. I told her I had to do it in stages putting him up to rest so I could take care of other customers dogs. Sarah said " Please don't strip toby please leave him some hair." We said we could leave him approx. 1/2 inch of hair. SARAH NEVER SAID SHE HAD PLANS OR GAVE ME TIME FRAME FOR MY WORK. I worked on Toby as I said for hours putting him up to rest and doing my other dogs trying for a timely manor for my other customers whose dogs were well kept and not matted. Dematting can be painful and is hard on all dogs especially puppies. It takes an exeptional groomer to do it painlesly, I preformed a mirical that day and toby did not cry or even whimper once. Sarah called 3 timesI gave her progress reports back legs dematted, sides finished etc. She came at 5:30 toby was just getting finished. A++++ for my work. Sarah said "I dont think I should pay you because you have inconvienced me and my family".I told her she made the CHOICE TO GIVE ME THE TIME I could of easily stripped him in less than 2hrs. I tried to tell her I did what she asked and should be paid for a job well done. She left with a smerk on her face, she never intended to pay me TIME was just her ONLY excuse. And yes my grommer did say " You got just what you wanted B#@$#@. That wasn't right but dog grooming is hard work. Doing a good job and not getting paid the $40.00 I was charging did make me rude. How many of you would work hard do a good job and not get paid and be happy about it ? LIKE I SAID THERE 2 SIDES TO EVERY STORY